- Description
- Safety Data Sheet
Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with skin and eyes and clothing. Avoid breathing its vapour or spray mist. Ensure adequate ventilation when using. DO NOT mix with other chemicals. DO NOT mix with different types of chlorinating chemicals. Mix only with water. Use clean containers for dispensing. Wear overalls, rubber boots, PVC or rubber gloves and aprons and chemical safety goggles. Store and transport in an upright container. Handle containers with care. Store under cover in a dry, clean, cool well ventilated area away from sunlight. In case of spillage, flush with large quantities of water. Wash hands after use.
WARNING Corrosive. Product will irritate eyes, nose and throat. May give off dangerous gas mixed with other products.
If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor of Poisons Information Centre ( 13 11 26). If swallowed DO NOT induce vomiting. Give a glass of water. If skin contact occurs, remove contaminated clothing and wash skin thorough If eye contact occurs, hold eye open and food with water for at least 15 minutes and contact a doctor.
WARRANTY: This product is warranted free from defects of manufacture. Defective product will be replaced. No other warranties are given in respect of the product or its fitness for any particular application and no
warranties or conditions are to be implied.